Summit Videographer

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South Asia

Descripción General del Viaje

When you join Summit as a videographer, a significant part of your time is spend on creating video productions, both in the city and in the mountains. Your passion and gift for videography will contribute for God's glory and His kingdom. Sharing God's stories and His amazing work through video productions makes a huge impact for Mobilizing God's people to reach out the least reached people. A few months out of your whole life can bring an essential help for the OM team in this country and gives you cross-cultural missions experience. In this fairly remote country in the Himalayas, many people have never heard of God's love. Millions of people are untouched by the transformative impact of the gospel. This is simply because no one has been there, yet! As videographer you will make influential video productions which contains the stories of God's ministry among the least reached people in this Himalayan country.

There is an information packet available after accepting your application. This packet will contain all the necessary details about what to bring and not to bring. Si vives en España y tienes alguna duda o quieres presentar una solicitud, escríbenos a

Para hacer la solicitud debes ser mayor de edad (tener 18 años +). Todas las oportunidades son de misionero, es decir, que no son puestos remunerados.

El precio no incluye los vuelos, el seguro médico, el visado (si procede) ni posibles vacunas.  El precio puede variar según el tipo de cambio actual.

What To Expect

By the projects the team has planned, you will work regularly in the office and other places in the city. You will travel with other team member(s) to some of the least reached districts to visit our teams for filming their ministries and testimonies. Besides your regular work at the office, you will be involved in team outreach once a week and join regular team meetings (Bible study, Prayer meeting, morning devotions).

Perfil del Participante

Age Range: 18-45

You are ready and most welcome to join when you:
have a decent understanding of English language;
will be flexible with any changes or circumstances;
are passionate about sharing His truth with others;
Able to get a video project finished from filming to editing;
Being able to work independently.

Preguntas Frecuentes

Will there be accommodation provided?

Your new home will be in the nation's capital. Together with other international team members you share a flat, and live close to where the rest of the team lives. You are responsible for practical things like shopping, cooking and cleaning. On trek you stay at local homes or churches. Be prepared to sleep on whatever you bring or what is provided for you.

Will there be food provided?

You and your flat mates are cooking your own meals. Local Asian food will be served during trekking (lots of rice!). Be ready to enjoy the food served for the team. Please ask for advice if you have dietary restrictions.

Do I need to make my own travel arrangements?

You are responsible to arrange and pay your own flight. We will pick you up at the airport. All other travel within the country will be taken care of. Unfortunately it's not possible to stay longer, as your visa will expire.

What should my health condition be like?

You will need to be in reasonable good health, both physically and emotionally. Be prepared for bumpy bus rides, long hikes in mountainous areas and interaction with local people. Please inform us if you have any health issues.

Do I need a visa?

Please fill in your interest and the local office will get in touch with you relating to visa.
Majority of nationalities can get visa upon arrival. .

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Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

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Short-term mission opportunities:

01691 773388